Monday 9 November 2015

Initial idea for film production

Genre would be a combination of action but also comedy to have a balance to fun mixed in with the fast pace benefits within the action side of the genre. I would also apply some drama into the mix so that the audience can see some of the characters lives within the background scenes of the main factor of the film.

The draft title Diego- The Skittles of Gods. This title represent the main character being outside the normal world living in the world in terms of hunt or be hunted by the government but also from his story before he became this obstacle the government are setting their dog to after. This also present mysterious effect with just the few word to apply tension into the audiences hearts.

The brief summary of the film would be a man named Diego Noches who is being hunted by the government to stealing top secret skittles which have special properties which if it is in the wrong has stop the whole world from tasting the rainbow forever. Diego must stash the skittles into a special organisation called STD(skittle's tank of dominance) to secure the special skittle from the government but also the world. He will also gain the knowledge of his past life where he had a wife and gradually gets his memories back the time before he was forgotten from the memories of the outside world.

The opening of the film would be a close up of the skittles in Diego's hand then pan to his face and start starring back like he's being chased which would then which to a side camera view of him running tree's around the forest and within the background would be sound effects of gun shot a shouting which present to the audience that he's being chased. Which this whole scene would be he future which then flash back into the presents diego in a government facility trying to steal information from the government which his clients payed for about their big organisation which then leads up to a man running from men with guns then get shot in the butt which then gives the information to the audience from a rogue government associate who tells him everything will run into chaos if you don't take these skittles to the STD.

The ending would present a open ending to apply imagination into the audiences within the end it gets to the scene of Diego running in the forest from the government and suddenly gets pushed into a rock by a mysterious character who reveals themselves as Diego's life from his past life. This presents suspense and causes Diego to react and present a flash back of how he hated his wife Benita and remembers what he wanted to to tell her before he left her within his past life which then led to her ranting about what has he been doing all this time and how she loves him. But then the conclusion was Diego responding to her love by saying awkwardly 'I want a Divorce'. Which then weaken her which lead him to grab the skittles and run to the organisation which the film then ends in him waiting at the checkpoint that they place to add suspense.

This will be a single strand narrative however could also be a multi strand since it gains the story of both the present story but also the story of diego's past to learn about our main character who the audience were randomly pushed onto focus and clear there heads.

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