Monday 9 May 2016

Evaluation for soundtrack and audio

Guardians of the Galaxy (Dance Off clip)

Within my first clip which was the final fighting scene where the guardians face off with Ronan within a dance off. The techniques I used within this specific clip were dubbing using lip syncing through using Garage band software which was a really effective way of recording the dialogue through lip syncing due to having the clip being shown whilst recording the dialogue whilst the clip was muted so that it make it easier to keep in time with the scene visually, I also used sourced sound effects by a sound effect website called which give me as much variety of sound effects to apply a profession and clean audio input to the scene so the it doesn't sound out of place towards the audience to separate the scene to it's appropriate mood. However, within this area I would improve the slight change in volume within some sound effect within the clip to apply a hyper realistic feel towards the scenes relevant to make the audience feel more engaged with the movie and seem more impactful at the time. Another technique I used would also include the music and sound track I used through out the clip so that it would have the similar effect within the actual scene which was both sourced which applied tension and intensity to the scene which emphasised the mood of danger and motivation depending on the scene such as the first moment of the scene where Ronan is talking about the end and destruction of the planet I used sourced music from youtube and converted it into a mp3 file which applied tension and suspense toward the audience's heart to portray the end, this was then broken by one of the iconic sound rack of the movie which applies a symbolic effect of the character of Peter Quill out off no where singing and having a dance off to apply a comedic mood and atmosphere for the audience's view due to it being so out of place but also very good timing to fade the suspense that the characters and audience felt. Personally, i felt that this was quite successful due to it have a variety of chosen techniques to suit the clips emotion and impactful state. However, if I had more time to improve it I would focus more within the experimentation and manipulation of the volume to have more symbolic meaning and layer the importance of the music and sound effect to impact the audience more to suit the mood and atmosphere within it's relevant state.

Deadpool Clip

Within the second clip which was based on Deadpool and his X-men friends to face of with Francis to save his girl and take revenge for what happened to him to get his powers. In this clip I used the techniques which were based entirely of sound effects, this included foley sound effect which are basically home made sound effect which were clapping, punches and banging sound effect which felt mostly realistic however if I were to improve it I would use volume and layering other sound effects to make things which based within the explosions and combat to be effective and distinctive to apply the intensity and mood towards the audience. I also used some sourced sound effect from the website similar to the first clip to make sure I had enough sound based techniques within my final production due to within the first clip I used I felt didn't use much sound effects within throughout the clip especially within the beginning of the scene. Personally, I overall felt that this was quite successful due to the sound effect were mostly clean and in sync to the clip which was also due the Garage band software which allowed me to easily cut and apply to material while watching the clip in detail to make sure it fluent with the clip.

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