Wednesday 8 October 2014

understanding music purposes

Promoting a particular song

The main purpose of promoting a song is to improve it's sales becoming a nationally appealing song from starting as a small grossing artists or band's song. This is presented in the song from imagine dragons 'I'm on top of the world' by producing music to promote the song but also the artist . They release the music video within the media such as YouTube and VEVO, they promoted themselves as well by showing their logo VEVO on the side of the youtube clip to promote both the company revealing the song through their channel an also promote the song of the artist.They could also present it on channels such as MTV, Kerrang and 4music. Also, another way of releasing a song is via radio such as capital FM, Kiss, Radio 1 and magic FM. The purpose of releasing the music video into the media is so that they promote the song and the artist so that it reveal within the most viewed way which supports the artist income through the amount of people interested in buying the songs on iTunes or Google play or even other mp3 website but also they could get more income through the amount of adverts shown before or after the video is shown. However, the music video 'city of angel' by 30 seconds to mars consist of promoting the music via going through the lead vocalist story about his life and interviewing while showing a quick glimpse of the song. For example within 51 seconds the lead singer of the band 30 seconds to mars talks about how LA changed his life. This suggests that this song is quite important to the lead vocalist because it shows how he thanks the city and the people to change his life so he took the path he wanted. This is another way of reaching out to the fans and showing the lifestyle or childhood of a artist instead of using social media.

Promotion of a artist album

The main purpose of promoting a album is to use a song which would be the single included within the album which would give people awareness of the new album being produced and make sure the audience don't miss out on a new album for long and that they get more sales once the album is out. For example, within 2.52 of  the song 'centuries' by fall out boy it has a medium shot of a person who is gradually throughout 2:52 to show the end showing the name of the song which would represent the album name by grafting on a wall. The song could also refer to the promotion since the lyrics 'remember me for centuries' is being repeated throughout the song it makes the album seem memorable to make sure the viewers not forget the importance of getting a album but also not to forget the song. Another example, of promoting a album is a tour which gives both awareness but also could give income from fans who buy their merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies and posters. Finally, another way which isn't as used much is advertising the album through the media such as TV and radio advertisement, this would just benefit awareness toward the younger generation since they mostly use social and other media access.

Another example of promoting a album is the song 'black parade' by chemical romance which showed the used of massive use of props to show the name of the song which would represent the album. This is presented within 2:15 seconds and 3:16 seconds. This suggest how they could be advertising the album within the song by use of helium balloons and instruments to have the lettering of the black parade to make it obvious that this song is promoting their new album but also, the mass use of props and people suggest that the song is promoting the album through a lot of props being used within the video. This could be seen as important for the audience to buy by the use of repetition of showing the name of song so it's becoming memorable which would 
suggest that it would make the viewers want the album or the song, which would increase the albums income by promoting it by the song that representing it. They also advertise the album within the video by the use of similar visual features by the band wearing marching band costumes and having people use make up to make a skull face onto the people in the video which is relating to the skeleton figure wearing a marching band costume within the centre of the album, they also us similar scratching, old, black and white setting which is similar to the background they use within the album.

Promoting the new artist

The purpose of this is is to try giving a wide advertisement of the new artist to give awareness and to allow people who are interested in their music to make sure they don't miss out and make them want to search for the new artist to promote the artist. For example, Ed Sheeran used songs such as a team to show not actually him to keep his appearance a mystery at the start but show how he's interesting for people who are appealed to his style of Pop, R&Bfolkacoustic . for example Ed Sheeran is shown within the video at 1:21 seconds to gradually allow the viewers to get to know him and his music. This is different to what other new artist promotions since they usually show the artist as the main event instead of showing him background of the scene, which shows how he tries to be different to other and become more unique

Compared to another artist like Eminem who started of with a rap song 'Real slim shady' which most of the music video contained a medium to full shot of him which suggest artist mainly go for the first time impressions by making themselves known. For example within 20 seconds they show him sitting down in the middle within a hospital scenario. This suggest by the use of positioning that they make him the main event within the music video and use the people in the background as a frame to portray that. this is what most artist use as a first impression compared to Ed Sheeran because it makes the audience be forced to notice him in the way by the way he acts as the dominant person within the video but also he's always positioned in the middle.  
Also there are other ways to promote a new new artist before producing a music video which could be X Factor which allows the fans of the show to get closer in person to the artist but also get a easier way to be judged by professionals but also by the fans to make sure people like them and if they don't how can they fix that, but also get a chance to get support from a record label company. Another ways are having a mini verse within someone else's song so when the song is being sold and people buy it they are introduced to them to the new artist by having something like for example ('name of song'- name of artist artist name) to promote the artist by another existing artist who is popular within the music industry. Finally, you could use a description on the bottom of the Youtube video for the music video so people get more information of the artist to promote and give awareness to the artist.

Promotion of artist change in direction

The main purpose of promoting a change of the artist direction is because it would show the new path the band or artist actually want to go through and to make sure new and old fans still are interested in the band for example fall out boys new album save rock and roll show how they want to go further towards the rock and roll genre compared to there old persona. this could be seen within the fall out boy   new song 'my song know what you did in the dark' by making the music video and a storyboard on closely showing the process and the change being produced by the band for example making the new music video after each other as a sequel.

This could be seen within the fall out boy new song 'my song know what you did in the dark' by making the music video and a storyboard on closely showing the process and the change being produced by the band for example making the new music video after each other as a sequel. Compared to the song 'thnks fr th mmrs' which is produced before the change happened which sounds more mild rock and personally from my opinion of them before the change in direction I didn't even know they produced the song however, once I heard of them after the change I was interested in them which is a example of how the change in direction help the artist because it allow more people to notice them and produce memorable songs.
Theres also other reasons to have a artist change in direction such as if the income of the artist songs are decreasing they might want to change direction so they can have a fresh look for the fans so income raising to the usual rate or even higher profit, if the artist wants to extend the variety to their target audience so they could get higher income and popularity from the outcome of making songs, it could also be due to the bands age within the music industry and that they're getting old so they could want to get a new direction so that they have new material but also could start a new within the music industry to make it look like they are a band new band coming out with new songs.

Promotion of and synergy with another media product

 The purpose of using songs to promoting a media product such as films is to show the similarities of both the band and the films style and at the same time as promoting the film within cinemas at the same time you promote the band by listening to them while waiting for like teasers or easter eggs at the end of credits which would give more awareness for the band and the movie. But also give the fans a teaser mini trailer of the next movie or a easter egg to I've them bonus features and pre-promote the next movie to get everyone excited so more views on the very first day and onwards and promote the movie and the song.

In the example of the transformer 4 film the song made by imagine dragon- battle cry shows clips of   the movie within their whole  music video so that they promote the movie to give it more awareness out side the use of their trailer and posters. At 20 seconds, the video transitions from starting set of the main characters home and then gradually shows a main event of the father gutting a banged up truck, which suggest how within music videos is supported by a movie the video starts with the beginning plot of the movie life. This is a most important factor of the video is not showing the process of  the movie compared to the cycle of life by elton john's video it shows the  movie so you can feel the intensity of the film. In 1 minute of the video, when the lyrics of the songs is in progress it show the violence and action of the movie happening and before the lyrics and it was all calm, it showed the normal life situation they were within at the time. This suggest they organise the song and movie clips in terms of the situation and how they want the audience to feel at each point of the video. Finally, in the battle cry video they don't show the band imagine dragons compared to the eton john music video which suggest how they don't make imagine dragons the visual factor of the music video and make the viewers concentrate on the movie clips to promote the movie. This suggest they only use the song to emphasis the intensity of the movie's action.

  They promote a film or other media in a music video is by showing clips of it within the video such as in elton johns 'cycle of life' 45 seconds in we see bit of the clip of Lion King. At 0 to 20 seconds, of the video it starts of as the animator drawing the character Sumba through help of a lion cub, suggesting that the video start links to how the process of producing the animation and the actual movie started off. After 20 heading to 40 seconds it sends it views to elton john at a long high shot while he's playing the piano then, show the cub walking across then changes to a mid shot of elton then pans towards a sketch version of the animated movie. Then changes at 46 seconds to the animated full clip of the movie which suggests again how they use this music video show those stages of the progression of the movie. Within 2 minutes in it show the voice actor in the movie. Around 2:59 seconds it shows a animator sketching out elton john which suggest they are adding him as part of the story and emphasis that the meaning of this video is to show the story and process behind the movie. The setting of the video is within the studio of where they were making the voice acting and animation was in progress but also their was a black and white background to contrast between the bright harmonious colours they used to portray the movie which suggest the childish entities within the movie is only being focused within the movie clips.

Increasing the income of a record company

 This could be benefitted 2 ways through direct benefit by a artist own their own record label and get the full benefit of the profits. For example, the artist Jay Z has is a founder of a record label called Roc-A Fella Record. However, this only refers to big artist like Jay Z and Prince etc. Particular artist can do this because they're more independent due to having a lot of confidence in making sure they can survive with controlling/owning a record company whilst producing songs and album so they can still get the full benefit.

Another way of benefiting on the income is less beneficial to the artist but more to the owner of the record company helping the growth of the artist and arrange the advertisement and interviews the artist will attend to which is mainly the purpose of why a great amount of artist people go for being brought in by a popular record company.  A example of this is one republic which is supported by the record company columbia record which is a american flagship record label which is owned by sony music entertainment. The reason why it's not as beneficial to get support of another record company to a artist is because they only get the wages given to them by the owner of the company and most of the profit is given to the company so they could increase other artists to come to get support by their company.

Increasing the range of media is active 

The main purpose of giving a artist some media advertising products such as movie about their lives or giving them a social networking account is to allow the fans who are interested in them and their music to get closer to the artist but also include it as a bonus feature to promote the artist concert or song. For example, Michael Jackson had his record label produce a movie to portray to his fans about getting closer to him and also to promote him and his music and how he got this far through all his struggles as the king of pop. However, it was shown within october 2009, a few month after his death which could also show that the movie could be seen as a last message an memory of his work so that no one would forget him. This would also mean that they would still keep promoting the king of pop even if he's gone which suggest that they would keep the dream alive until it become disliked by the fans due to not being pure content produced by Michael himself. 
But another example shows Ed Sheeran using a Facebook account to show promotions of new albums, concerts and other updates that the fans would e interested to but also could show what he's interested to and what else he does instead of just song based to make the fans feel closer and more interested in his work by relating his songs who he is. Ed Sheeran Facebook show for example about how his 'thinking out loud behind he scenes video is coming out today at about 3pm UK time' which suggests how he's keeping all his fans up-to-date on what goes on. But also promoting the song even further by showing behind the scene footage to give the fans bonus features so that they are promoting the process as well as the actual song. Other social network sites which could promote the artist within the media is from Instagram showing pictures of their view of the concert and tours and what they are doing, twitter to tweet features and updates of what they're doing. The reason they do this is to promote bonus behind the scene footage updates so that it makes sure ticket are selling before the concert and other events to get more income to promote the album the tour or concert is promoting.

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