Tuesday 3 February 2015

official tv advertisement

The realism advert is where it suggest a situation which could be referred as real life. This is quite a effective advert because it show to the target audience of all ages and genders and that the game is a great way for family binding and friendly gathering which is their persuasive techniques within the advert to get people more intrigued about the game and be influenced to by the product.

The style of this advert is slightly humorous since it contains a reference to the game so that it appeals to the fans of nintendo. This suggested by the 18 seconds to 23 seconds and shows after a last man standing being victorious while the other have been defeated and disappear. Also this is a contrast on dramatic and surreal styles since they use a normal situation of a couple of friends playing wii u, then shows a knockout within the game within the real life aspect to produce a abnormal aspect.

The code and conventions of the advert is that they used a setting of group of guys sitting in a modern lounge suggested by the use of wooden table and modern and simple look to the furniture and surroundings which could also suggest a working class or within a high rankings within the working class area which would suggest how they are also trying to say how their target audience is to people who are within working or upper class since they would be most likely able to afford it, also suggests a get together or mini party which suggest also by the use of camera angle of the camera facing towards them within a full body long shot symbolising a TV which instantly conveys a gaming advert. The scenes contrast and cut between the beat of the sound bed from the casual group playing the game in front of the TV and then cuts to some experience and game play of the product so that it shows the audiences view if they play the game but also they show the interesting aspect of the game they're promoting. Throughout the advert they use dramatic, upbeat and slightly amount of comedy so that there's a positive atmosphere to the advert to persuade the audience to buy the produce to have a fun and positive time only trough playing the game.

The technique used within the advert to persuade the audience to be interested in buying the product is by appealing to the audiences greed for victory and being the best but also to appeal to the sense of interest and childhood and latest hero's and a fans dream of finding out who would beat who in a fight. The message of this advert is to show that you'll have non-stop fun. The usp of this advert is to promote nintendo but mainly to promote the latest game to wii u which would target gamers, fans of Nintendo, but also people who like to just like to have fun with their friends and family and hang out. However this doesnt try to compare themselves with other consoles but detail the age group of the game as 10+.

This Argos advert uses Series which is a form which uses a family or a group of friends and other situations where the adverts are all linked together as a story so that the audience can feel more familiar with the characters and feel that they can relate to the situation such as the Argos advert they use real life situation within the house and solve the problem buy buying a product from the company they're promoting within the advert to have a positive atmosphere in the shop to suggest to the audience that they'll feel the same way if they enter Argos.

The style of this advert is surreal since they use a modern family setting as a alien family reacting to real life daily situations, However does apply to some humorous aspects such as when the dad is talking the the mother about everything being fine and hang up the baby is instantly missing and create and chaotic situation within the advert, This is shown within 3 seconds to 8 seconds in.

Code and conventions they show within the settings a stair gate usually used within a family situation but also they use stereotypical colour and clothing scheme for character in the family such as women alien wearing a fancy dress and carry's a bag to suggest the mother role, blue jacket to suggest a common boys colour in the younger generation to suggest a son role and for the sister role they use the pink shirt and shoes to suggest a clear dominant image of the girly stereotypes of a young girl. They also show the father being in a patterned shirt to suggest working class family but also a casual atmosphere showing this would be presented within a weekend. The use of camera such as within 6 seconds in to 7 seconds. This is quite effective since it emphasis the problem and the importance of the scene in the advert so that this would start of the key message within the advert. They also use from the start the camera shot of mid shot of focusing on the dad and baby play peekaboo however also give the audience to see the rest of the family placed within the background however blurred so would suggest they a used just to set the scene and story of the advert. After the baby is disappeared from the dads sight the music being used in the sound bed is acoustic to suggest a calm and soothing playlist to relate yo all age group instead of irritating some of their viewers and target audience.

Techniques used within this advert is by using the though of solving a problem within a real life situation with Argos products as a solution this would persuade the audience to buy the product and visit Argos to manipulate them to think that visiting Argos is the best way to solve the problem. This is shown at 30 seconds to 37 seconds where he buys a baby chamber so the baby would be lock down but also the message would be getting it would be bought for a good price. The ups of this advert is to promote the company but also the product they used to contain the alien baby with the baby chamber. This advert compares itself with online shopping by saying that it's the only online retailer with local pick up stores which makes it seem easier for the customers.

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