Friday 13 March 2015

Marketing- questionaire

What is your age?

10-12       13-15       16-18     19+

What is your gender

Male            Female

Does the colour scheme of the product suit the flavour of the product to relate to other featured soft drink sweets?

Would you be interested in my product through the process of watching the advert? Why?

Is the setting of the advert suitable for the style I'm portraying? (which is surreal but also humorous to contrast with normal setting)

Do you feel the final scene of being freeze frame is effective to apply the humour of the reaction of the person being splashed with soft drinks to the face?

How do you feel I could improve my techniques even further such as lighting, camera angles ext.?

would you recommend this type of advert to friends and family?

Is the choice of music suitable for I am trying to corporate within the advert, if not what would you recommend?

Do you feel my choice of style or surrealism and humor represented clearly to the audience?

Are the use use props such as wanze's/morph suits useful to present to random surreal characteristic of the advert? If not why? and what could be improved?

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