Friday 21 November 2014

Evaluation of radio advert(official)


The process used to produce my radio advert was first to produce four treatment and scripts which I researched one charity 'cancer research UK' and one product from a gaming company which is very popular which was riot games 'league of legends' by producing two scripts and one treatment for each companies or organisation to make sure I get a variety of examples so i could choose the best script and and product which I would be able to present to the client or producer. I then presented the treatments and scripts to a director or producer so that they could respond and collaberate with me on which script should we go through with through the regulation within the radio industry but also if the detail within the research in the treatment meet the criteria for the advert production and presentation. After that section of the process I started the recording part by going into a seperate room which has some features of sound proofing so that no interferences within my recording from the surroundings occur, I did this process within reaper so that I could have simple time transferring the recording to the editing section.

 I then did the final attempt of editing the recording by using the techniques cutting the errors such as pauses that aren't planned and stutters which damage the clarity of the advertisement, trying to make the length of the advert adjust to the client criteria of 30 seconds or 40 seconds exactly, fading in some voice overs and sound effect so they are more fluent and harmonise well in the advert, I also applied sound effect and a sound bed which consist of riots official sound tracks which give the advert more in-game atmosphere and applying the sounds of what the audience will experience from the game if they join them, I tinkered with the volume so that the music is adjusted to the lower volume compared to the voice over so that the voice over can be pronounced from the audience perspective to allow them to simply listen to what we want to put forward of promoting the game and community, panning the sound so that some features of the advert gradually increases volume, this would allow a sense of movement within the advert to give bonus experience of other senses within using visual support through presenting images.


The use of music I used within my radio advert is soundtrack I found within league of legends sound cloud which I then downloaded the following Hybrid Worlds used on the season 3 world championships as their theme, legends were born and the glory. I chose these soundtrack because it promotes the official themed music riot or their clients produce to suit the gameplay and dramatic atmosphere of the game to the audience. This also promotes the competitive factors of the game such as events like world championships, single nations tournaments and the ranked game mode on the game for serious gamers looking for a challenge. To test my techniques and processes I have within reaper I  blended the music within the sound bed to that they harmonies enough so that it gives multiple atmospheres to provide to the audience but also so that it doesn't stop the flow of the information being handed out to the viewers. For example within 21 seconds of the advert it goes from legends were born to the glory within the sound bed.

Within the tone of the voice over i tried to portray a dramatic in depth aspect with slight enthusiasm in the advert so the audience would feel quite intrigued and interested with the advert and listen to what I have to say till the very end. However, within the production of the advert my voice didn't go as planned since it was quite malo toned which even though the advert wasn't suppose to be up beat it lost the interest. But overall I feel it was quite successful with the voice over since even though my pitch was quite low I still improved the atmosphere by keeping up with the soundtrack and making it seem interesting to the viewers.

Overall opinion of the process

What I like or think was successful was the sound tracks which also includes the effects within the advert since I tried to makes it straight to the point through for example for "siege turrets" I applied the sound of explosion to give the audience a experience and feel of the atmosphere within the game by promoting the in-game experience for the players. I also like the music I used since they were both official sound tracks that were used within game event and  the game itself such as loading screen and lobby which gave my advert a profession look and identity to it. However, what could be improved is the choice of voice actor since I would prefer to have someone who could do a quite dramatic but also enthusiastic voice to get the audience more up for the challenged and interested in the product we're advertising.

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