Monday 10 November 2014

Unit 45.2

Production facilities
The location needed for a radio station to be broadcast are:

High building so that they can get high enough to get good signal which allows them to have less errors within streaming their station to their audience. For example 30 Leicester Square, London, WC2H 7LA on the top floor.

It also has to be secure as a radio station so that their expensive equipment is protected and has less risk of being stolen so that it doesn't effect the production of the radio station. For example if the mixing desk within the studio is stolen due to the lack of security they would have to buy another piece of important equipment and wait for it to be delivered which would delay the broadcasting of the station due to security issues.

Radio stations could be located in places where it can easily noticed but also easy to get a good reputation through places that are known for good advertisement spots so that they get noticed through the amount of people living around the area and could be interested in listening to their radio station.

Finally, a radio station should be also located near transport links so that people can get to work easier and quicker so that they can have not much errors on people getting lost on their way to work if they're new or a client is travelling to the radio station. This could also help out on the news by getting information on transportation delays without going far to get the information.

Describe types of spaces
 live room is where all the recording is taken when the voice actor or host is placed with all the microphone probably a dynamic, sound proofing on the windows and walls, music player or laptop/phone to play the music for the radio broadcast, headphones so that the host or voice actor can hear what they're saying and hear what the people within the main room want them to say without it being transferred into the recording(this would probably be a closed headphones so the sounds don't interfere with the recording) and some essentials such as a chair ,table or a air conditioning. They might also include a sound library which is used for finding samples of sound effects and recording file for the sound bed of the broadcast from the radio station.

The vocal room is very similar to the live room since it's based on producing recording or live broadcast for the station, however this is a much smaller space compared the live room and might consist of more then sound proofing within the room but also the live room could consist of wood panelling around the room to give of clarity to the sound.

 The main room consist of the editing with the sound engineer and maybe the producer if they want to make sure that every things running as planned. The equipment within this room would be a mixing desk to edit the feed from the microphone and transfer it to a laptop or desktop.

The in-house production is where the radio station produces individually the sound effects and voice acting without any support sourced outside of the station.

In other words a outsourced production is where you get people through emailing voice actors or sound editors to create material to be used on their radio station recording.

Equipment they need within the studio
Microphone and stand: dynamic-to record the voices the host is presenting on radio and the stand to keep the microphone still. The dynamic microphone is suitable mostly high volume access such as instrument and amplifiers and is unidirectional which means that its only picks up sound from one direction.
dynamic. including stands

Speaker- To amplify the sound of the instruments/song being played on the broadcast. This would also transfer the music coming from a device like a computer, smart phone or CD player so that it would be heard within the recording in a high quality.

Software- for example (sound broadcaster) To allow the station to edit any errors within the recording so the recording is more fluent and clear. For example, SAM broadcaster free download.

acoustic treatment sound proof walls/glass- so that no sound from the background which isn't needed within the broadcast doesn't interfere. This gives security within the recording

analogue/digital mixing desk- to allow the feed from the microphone to be adjusted and sent to one place. digital is simple setting and clearer sound compared to analogue

laptop- this would allow internet access so it's easier to stream over the internet to a wider audience, could also be used to access music to add to the radio station recording. But could also use a phone or CD player to access the music.

chair-These are use more for comfort of the people talking since they will be recording themselves for at least an hour or more

Air condition- similar to the reason of the desk and chairs is for the comfort of the host so that they can talk within the amount of time they need within damaging there health. This prevents any issue towards the radio companies employees which if the company was reported about a issue the employee complained about could screw their reputation as a company.

Headphones- You use closed headphone so that you can listen to what your saying but also listen to what people from the other side of the sound proof window is saying. this prevent any risk of errors within the recording and have less need to re-record to delay the broadcast. 

Equipment for broadcast

transmitter- to transmit what your recording through your laptop or pc and spread it live. This is needed to be connected to a antenna so that it can transfer the recording and stream it live. This is the reason why most commercial stations such as kiss fm and capital fm and extra are located within high places within Piccadilly circus.

Antenna's are connected to transmitters which sends the recording to the antenna so that it can be spread out as a broadcast to people listening to the frequency. However for this to work they need a high location to reach out for a good signal to broadcast with. This is the reason why most commercial stations such as kiss fm and capital fm and extra are located within high places within Piccadilly circus.

The use of production music libraries within the radio station production is used to allow stations to play any music within the recording/broadcasting so that if someone within the audience asks for any music the station would be able to search it through their music library and play it within the time. The use of pre-recorded sound effects are used by keeping sounds from the past recordings or other sources like buying them from the internet or even buying sound libraries from quality companies so that they can place sound effects within the stations archives and play the sounds within broadcasts or recordings. This would be included with advertisement by getting sound effects to get the audience to know whats happening in the advert without using anything but sound since it's a radio advert.

Task 2: Production roles

Copywriter- They write advertising and marketing copy's to bring and show to the audience through the radio station, writes public relations to communicate for employees, clients, customers or just the public. Write technical material. But also, write speeches to promote their radio station.

Studio manager- The be in charge of the studio day to day basis, but also to motivate and lead staff so that tasks and idea are met to the right standards if it's for them as a station or for a client.

Creative producer- Creating the content for the station but also managing the processes within the station for live or recorded content. Creating original ideas through thorough research to apply within the broadcast of the station.

Voice over artist- To interpret the script to create a character to promote/present and portraying a product/or feature place that the radio station is promoting for a client. The equipment they would use are microphone so that they can transmit their voice to add into the advert or radio station broadcast, also closed headphones similar to presenter's use of equipment due to needing to listen to the people within the main room so they can improve on any errors made within the recording to make decision from the producer to re-take the recording.

Sound engineer- specialises in sound editing and recording the radio advert/station by adding sound bed and cutting out errors and manipulating recording and the feed of the radio studio. The equipment they would be using are mixing desks to edit the recordings within the microphone before the listeners hear it, sound library to input sound effect and bits of recording into the broadcast.

Presenter- to be the voice and to represent the whole radio station to the audience. They also establish relationships with the listeners and try to make them relax and just listen to the broadcast so that they can apply advertising and news feed live to the listeners. For example, within capital FM Pandora is one of the capital presenters. The equipment they use would be a dynamic microphone for broadcasting their content to the listeners, closed headphone to hear what the people within the main room are saying without the listeners over hearing and a devices which allows them to access the sound library such as smart phone, laptop or music player.

Journalist- identifying,researching and presenting the new interesting stories to present within their radio broadcast and give presenter some information to give to the listeners. Greater focus on information planning information, researching, writing and editing compared to a role of a radio reporter. 

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