Tuesday 4 November 2014

research a artist/band who uses music videos in a interesting way

Centuries- Fall out boy
Fall out boy uses interesting style within their latest songs advertisement by showing similar to their other video after their new choice of direction is that they show a seen which is suggesting the new music video as a mini teaser like they do for new sneak peaks of movies before the trailer comes out. A example of this within the video is 4:02 seconds. This is used to promote the next song and music video but also suggest that the style of each of their music videos as a linked video so it has a fictional style to have a effect on the viewer where they're  so intrigued that they can't wait to see the next song and music video with it. What fall out boy also added within the video is that they include a reference to art which was produced at the time of the gladiator arena, this is suggested within 3:55 seconds. This suggest how they also the culture of the time to suggest a realistic but fictional style to emphasis the concept of the song through the use of culture and surroundings within the arena. At 3:30 seconds they use a slight amount of lyric interpretation from the quote 'when dust turns to gold' while showing dust in the background of defeating the gladiator.

The techniques they use are green screen when they present all the side actors which are important but aren't the band, a example of this is at 17 seconds they show a women in a goddess featured costume with lion by each side of her and in the background is a green screen of a gold ring roses and sky view suggesting the importance of the character but, not introducing her fully to set curiosity to the viewer minds to fit what they want the viewers to think within each scene of the video. This clip could also be seen as using cutting to the beat by switching to similar scenes like these and then going into the scenario the band is portrayed in. Another example of using cutting within the beat is 1:09 to 1:11 seconds shows the cut beat technique from a gladiator opening the gates to a green screen of a royal character with green screen in the background. The camera angles they use a tilting shot at the very start on the scene of rome to suggest where the music video is based in and give the audience a clue of whats going to happen next, 10 seconds in they have a close up on the old mans hands to suggest that the item in his hand is a main factor of whats going to happen within the arena, 40 seconds in they show a extremely long shot of the colosseum in rome to show that the music video is based within the arena and gladiators, at 2:51 seconds they use a 360 degree pan around the band looking at the item given to them before with flashbacks. This shows they are using this technique to show how the items are the only way to survive and influences a sense of standing their ground and never give up.

 They convey their message of the song differently compared to other rock influenced bands which would include usually concert coverage of the band singing the song with maybe some mood lighting to portray the mood being provoked by the song instead of using effect with black and white for a gloomy effect or using green screen to add effect within the background. The concept is revealed by a historical memory of the gladiator arena to emphasis on the quote ' remember me for centuries' for example shown within 2:52 seconds they show the band wearing gladiator armour and slaying a undefeated gladiator. This shows how they use props such as costumes and scenario to emphasis the song concept instead of using lighting and concert coverage.

Fall out boy- rat-ta-tat-tat

Similarly, fallout boy 'rat-ta-tat-tat' present their song by using a scenario for example they show the band being held hostage by a organisation of anti music lovers and they try to brain wash the main vocalist into a weapon to defeat music. This is shown within 1:20 seconds they show the main vocalist of the band being restrained on a torture chair to watch a video which will brain wash him to be a anti music lover. They used darker lighting to make the scene dark mysterious on the organisation is planning something bad, but also to have have negative atmosphere to the anti music group hide out to influence the emotions to the audience. This is shown within 48 seconds they show the leader making a speak with a dark lighting but only lighter background to focus on her.

Same to the centuries music video they used fit in styles to the video to allow each music video be linked so it's easier to know what to listen to first for the audience but also to promote the song
before and after to new listeners. A example of this within the video is at 4:25 seconds they show band retreating and the main character being converted. The style they also could be impressionist since they use imagery of a corrupted place for music and focus on the mood of danger and aggression towards music and how the band is trying to save music. An example of this is at 3 seconds they show the band looking at instrument to fight the organisation. This suggests that they use the scenario and props to convey the atmosphere but also look at the meaning of the video. 

The camera angles they use at 4 seconds in they show a mid shot of the band getting ready their weapon which are instruments to show a mid shot of the action to suggests somethings bads going to happened throughout the video, 21 seconds in they use  a little tilting and mostly panning in the clip while showing women giving a brief case to the car then panning and tilting towards the license plate which introduces the name of the song to give the sign that the songs about to start, 46 seconds in they show a establishing shot viewing the leader of the mysterious organisation to suggest the importance of the character and her image within the video. One of the other techniques they use cutting beat to keep up with each main member of the videos situation within the building. This is shown at 1:14 seconds they show the main vocalist of the band being forced into a brainwashing chamber then in 1:18 seconds they switch showing the women overlooking her subordinates to add a dramatic atmosphere to the video.

Fall out boy-sugar were going down 

On the other hand, at the time before the change in direction of the band they used styles like some surrealism since they show the main sight of the video instead of the band reindeer antlers and the old father of the girl had reindeer legs. This is shown within 3:09 to 3:28 seconds, which shows the father about to shot him with a arrow but then gets run over and soon reveals his reindeer legs to show how their is someone exactly like I'm but he tries to hide it from everyone instead of revealing himself like the guy with the antlers. This suggest they tried to instead of using interpretation which they use in their latest video, they using props just to present the meaning instead of presenting the meaning through the scenario of the music video.

 In this video they used minor lyric interpretation to instead of just presenting the scenario but their narrating it with the song lyrics. This is shown at 51 seconds onwards they say in the lyric 'lie on the grass' while the guy is eating a sandwich on the grass within the same time period. They also used consolidating the meaning of the songs meaning since they not just about 2 people who people don't want together into someone who's different to anyone else since his appearance is different to still have someone caring for them.This is shown at 32-1:04 seconds they shows the kid abusing the guy for his differences and then later after showing the band they present how the guy sit down eating and watching a flying kite which soon hits him and gives him a opportunity to find someone who can care about him.

Lighting they use in the section of showing the band is orange which suggest from looking at the scene shows how it show a natural, love orientated light which is combined with the feature of being in a cabin. They show this at 40 seconds in they show the lead singer starting to sing in the video within a cabin and gradually show the other band member. They also use cutting within the beat which is when you go to a different scene to the beat. This is shown at 33-38 seconds which shows it changes from a child throwing a something onto his antler then on the next beat changes to the band which is in a cabin. In the camera techniques they use from the start to 14 seconds they use extremely long shot to show the scenery and where the situation of the music video is being taken place so the viewers have a feel of what they're going into, then at 36 seconds they show the main actor of the video as a mid to close up when the kid throws something at him to make sure they're more focused on how the guy is being discriminated against by the younger generation, 39-41 seconds they show the main vocalist of the band so the viewers focus more on the singer and also still recognized he video as a music video instead of just another advertisement.

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