Friday 7 November 2014

research charities/public service for radio advert

Amnesty International

We are Amnesty International UK. We work to protect men, women and children wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.
As a global movement of over seven million people, Amnesty International is the world's largest grassroots human rights organisation. We investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilise the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. We received the Nobel Peace Prize for our life-saving work.
personal references

We are about people like Jabbar Salavan – a young activist in Azerbaijan who was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after calling for peaceful protests against the government. 
We are about people like Ben – a student at De Montfort University. In 2011 Ben joined thousands of others in writing to the Azerbaijan authorities to demand Jabbar’s release. It worked. Jabbar was freed by Presidential pardon that December, nearly two years earlier than intended. 

We are about people like Jenni Williams. Ten years ago she co-founded Women of Zimbabwe Arise, an organisation that campaigns for social justice. Since then, Jenni and other members of WOZA have been threatened and severely beaten by police. They are frequently arrested and have been charged with everything from ‘kidnapping and theft’ to ‘criminal nuisance’.


1. Independent

Amnesty International is completely independent. We challenge human rights abuses 

2. Trusted

Amnesty’s work is underpinned by independent research in the field, firsthand eyewitness accounts and survivor testimonies, which are cross-checked with a network of trusted sources and experts. 

3. Long-term

Amnesty’s commitment to longterm campaigning delivers results and saves lives.  secure an international Arms Trade Treaty in 2013, the International Criminal Court in 2002, and a global convention against torture in 1984.

4. Comprehensive

Amnesty’s size enables us to work on a comprehensive range of human rights issues across the world and campaign more effectively. 

5. Individuals

Our Individuals at Risk work has changed thousands of lives around the world, helping to save people from torture, detention, harassment and other abuses.

6. Difficulty

We tackle difficult and complex issues that do not result in ‘quick wins’. 

10. Effective

Amnesty is one of the world’s most influential NGOs, with a track record of success. Yet in terms of how much we spend on our work, we are smaller than many people think. Because our campaigning work is done so effectively through our volunteer networks and individual members, we get a big ‘return on our investment’. 

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