Monday 29 September 2014

compare and contrast of commercial radios

Magic 105.4
The genres of this radio station is mostly classic rock, soft and old fashioned music which appeal mostly to adults to appeal to a older generation. The schedule for todays station is:

1:00-3:00 mellow magic
4:00-5:00 early breakfast with martin collins
6:00-9:00 foxy in the morning
10:00-13:00 mid morning with gary vincent
14:00-16:00 afternoons with Angie Greaves
17:00-19:00 More music drive time with Nick Snaith
20:00-24:00 mellow magic with Danny Pietroni

Martin Collins is a host which is used to start of a calm early morning to the radio

Foxy in the morning is used for travel and latest new with weather.

Gary Vincent used to show the best music, news, weather and give out request at the start of 1:00

Angie Greaves used to present music through out the afternoon

Nick Snaith present music and undated new and weather while people are driving

Danny Pietroni is used to allow the audience to relax after a days work

The audience which this radio station is targeting is older audience from 30+ because the music presented was popular within their younger past generation.

Capital FM

The genre the radio station presents is more pop music which is suitable to the audience of a more younger generation compared to magic because it more of the music which is presently popular within the teenage growing society. The age group which would the station would be appealed to would be 11-30.

The radio schedule for today is


Christian Williams

Join Christian for the biggest tunes from the Capital playlist. Get involved @CapitalOfficial on Twitter or hit for more.

Will Cozens
Will takes you into the early hours with the biggest tracks from the Capital playlist. Get involved @CapitalOfficial on Twitter


Ant Payne

Ant's got all the biggest and best hits around. You can join the conversation @CapitalOfficial on Twitter and online at!


Capital Breakfast

Set your alarm! Dave Berry & Lisa Snowdon wake up London with the biggest tunes. Get involved @958CapBreakfast on Twitter.



Join Pandora for the biggest tunes and all your favourites from the Capital playlist. Get involved @CapitalOfficial on Twitter or hit for more.


The Bassman

The Bassman's on hand with the biggest hit music including Rita Ora, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Ed Sheeran and more. Join the conversation @CapitalOfficial on Twitter.


Greg Burns

Join Greg for all the biggest hits and latest traffic and travel news for your journey home.


Marvin Humes

Marvin Humes takes over Capital with a mix of the hottest club tracks around plus the biggest anthems from the playlist.



Max has all the hits from the Capital playlist, plus she'll be interviewing the world's biggest music artists and featuring exclusive live performances from your favourite stars.

The similarities of these separate radio station are that:
They both present a music genre
They both try to suit their viewers
They both change host per hour or more

The difference of these 2 radio station are:
Magic is showing older, classic music suitable for older generation
Capital shows more present popular music which appeals to younger generations 

Thursday 25 September 2014

Evaluation on shot types

This shot type I tried to use is mid shot which turns into a full body shot by side ways shot of me jumping off some stairs to reference the song quote 'when you take that jump, you don't feel the fall'. This was successful because it's clear and symbolic which makes it easier for the viewers to get what it the scene mean and feel the inspirational position of jumping without any second thought which gives off that sense within the music and the video.

This shot type is the establishing shot but also with the pan effect so that it views all the building while moving away to represent the quote 'water rises you built a wall' which i tried to show once it was raining which represented the water rising and the building showing the evolution of producing a wall. I did this because I wanted to make the audience think even harder about what a simple looking shot would represent within each quote. I feel that this shot was successful because it didn't have that much false movement which wasn't needed in the shot but to improve this I would use a tripod to stable the camera to have a smoother shot while it pan to the right.

This shot I used a zoom out from a medium shot to a establishing shot/ long shot to symbolise the quote 'hope that everybody run, you chose to stay'. This was successful because it allowed me from using zooming away from the person which represent everyone running away from him which produces a inspirational standing your ground feel.

 This shot is called the cut away shot which gives of the more symbolic scene within all my shot I've taken because it gives a calm and wide eyed view of the sky and the atmosphere of the moment which I intended to portray that within the intended scene of the music video.

The sound track I would use to create the mood through sound not just visuals would be the song by one republic 'I lived' because it gives a inspirational feel to the scene to give the shots meaning and give the audience a feel of what they are missing and to live life to the fullest which is the conception of the song. The lyrics of the song ties in perfectly to each scene/ shot we produced. The pace of the song is a walking but gradually increases into the song this is shown in the video from 40 seconds in from the beginning. The genre of the song is pop rock and alternative rock.

The process I used was firstly we planned it out by setting it up by writing the specific shot of each clip we need for a particular lyric in the song, Then we went out with a camera and started doing the practical shooting of the scenes. I then used reaper to cut and adjust a song to make sure that only the relevant scenes of the song is presented with it's suitable scenes. Also I used i movie as a software to produce the video which would allow me to import the reaper.wav file of the adjusted song and combine it with the shots which i arranged and trimmed to be fixed with the timing of the beat of each lyric of the song.

Then after all the relevant shots were added and arranged i added transition to give the shots extra effect but also allow a fluent change to each shot. For example within 12 seconds in it changes from the side full shot to a long establishing shot. What I also started to do within 56 seconds I started to make some scene have 50% slow motion effect to make it longer but also make it seem like it's a important event and make it look inspiring and symbolise something within the viewers lives.

What I like about the music video is how I used shot which some are literal but some are also symbolic such as the quote in 7 seconds 'when you jump you don't feel the fall' which I used 2 people jumping off stairs within a medium, full shot which represent the literal shots I took but on the quote 13 seconds ' hoping the when the water rises you build a wall' I used a long shot of the building to symbolises how we have evolved from building a wall to producing architectural buildings and designs which represent the symbolic shot I made.

 However, I feel that some pieces could be improved by looking closely at extending the shot time to make sure relevant shot aren't delayed or shown before the specific scene is shown such as 28 seconds in it has the start of the running medium to long full shot but it still should be the previous shot since the songs lyric isn't reel cant to the shot so I should've extended the previous shot to fit the timing of the song. Also I would like to take out the background sounds within the shot because you could hear some excess sound within the video which isn't needed, next time I would make sure I cut out the background sound by cutting out the sound through reaper or cut it from iMovie .The example of the background sound is within 22 seconds to 24 seconds.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

radio advert script

iphone 6

One man or women

one stream lined phone

one extremely large screen

with security that stops your boyfriend or girlfriend looking at your phone history but the rest is your problem.

with 64 bit architecture, A8 chip, M8 motion coprocessor
videos with 1080p HD with 60 fps and slow motion with 240 fps, with the power efficiency of a tree.

Do you need a better eye sight? well the new isight has 1.5 pixel and 2.2 aperture

That not all, it also used for being your wallet in your pocket so can pay with your touch ID with just a touch of a finger.

Bigger is better and you know it.

one buyer

one destiny

one iPhone 6, plus, c,s

With more than 10 million new iPhones have been sold nationally, do you wanna be the 10 million and 1.

get more information at
get it
get it now!!!!
for your benefit....

The sound effects ill be using is a explosive background to me the atmosphere more dramatic and make the audience feel that it's there duty to listen to this advert and that it's a life and death situation to get or ignore this product to be in their pocket.

Monday 22 September 2014

Examples of offensive language in the media

Within commercial advertisement it's bad and sometime illegal to use offensive language on the advertisement. However, the term water shed where at before a time you're not allowed swearing on a advertisement but after the time there would be offensive language coming up. Offensive language refers to ageism, disability, stereotypes, racism, sexism, mocking religion, homophobic and swearing.




mocking religion

Naughty Fearne Cotton was forced to apologise to radio listeners after she was caught getting all sweary on air.
The Radio 1 presenter was hosting a Christmas edition of the Live Lounge when she turned the air blue.
Online live-feed listeners who had tuned into the special show featuring Cheryl Cole, Ricky Gervais and Jamie Oliver heard Fearne's gaffe when a mic was left on.
As Wizard's festive hit, 'I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday' played, Fearne could be heard telling Cheryl Cole not to swear before doing exactly that herself!
“No swearing and don’t make any w***** gestures because people will see them on the webcam,” she said.
Fearne quickly apologised after realising her mic was still on, saying: “We might have heard some bad language on the radio because one of the mics was still faded up in the kitchen.”


Wednesday 17 September 2014

Music Video purposes

Promoting a single

The purpose of promoting singles is so that its shows the artist persona and style and make the viewers clear of what he's all about and what type music they create. This also allows them to promote the songs so that it get popular and gives confidence the the band or artist to produce more songs.

Promoting a album

 Purpose of promoting a album is to use a song which would be the single which would give people awareness of the new album being produced and make sure the audience don't miss out on a new album for long and that they get more sales once the album is out.

The ending of the song they gradually show the name of both the band and the album name by graffiti with a medium camera shot and nothing surrounding it to make sure the viewer is focusing on it more than its surroundings. The purpose of this video is clearly to promote the bands new album. The Graffiti within the music video starts to be shown around 2:52 which suggest how they promote the name of the album as the fine of the song.

Promoting a new artist
The purpose of this is is to try giving a wide advertisement of the new artist to give awareness and to allow people who are interested in their music to make sure they don't miss out and allow them to find out. For example, Ed Sheeran used songs such as a team to show not actually him to keep his appearance a mystery at the start but show how he's interesting for people who like his style of music such as calm through the slow pace of the song. for example Ed Sheeran is shown within the video at 1:21 seconds to gradually allow the viewers to get to know him and his music. This is different to what other new artist promotions since they usually show the artist as the main event instead of showing him behind the scenes which shows how he tries to be different to other and become more unique.

Change in a artist direction
The purpose of promoting a change of the artist direction is because it would show the new path the band or artist actually want to go through and to make sure new and old fans still are interested in the band for example fall out boys new album save rock and roll show how they want to go further towards the rock and roll genre compared to there old persona. this could be seen within the fall out boy   new song 'my song know what you did in the dark' by making the music video and a storyboard on closely showing the process and the change being produced by the band for example making the new music video after each other as a sequel.

Promoting another media product

The purpose of using songs to promoting a media product such as films is to show the similarities of both the band and the films style and at the same time as promoting the film within cinemas at the same time you promote the band by listening to them while waiting for like teasers or easter eggs at the end of credits which would give more awareness for the band and the movie.

In the example of the transformer 4 film the song made by imagine dragon- battle cry shows clips of   the movie within their music video so that they promote the movie to give it more awareness out side the use of their trailer and posters. How they promote a film or other media in a music video is by showing clips of it within the video such as in elton johns 'cycle of life' 45 seconds in we see bit of the clip of Lion King.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Radio advert research (official)

Doctor Who: Day of the doctor radio advert

This is advertising the TV series season finale called Doctor Who, this advert is being presented by BBC Radio station. The  radio advert uses voices over from the main character doctor played by the actor Matt Smith which is acting out within the radio to appeal to the fans in character but also portray the message of giving the audience curiosity to the show and a reveal a little teaser of what going to happen on the 50th anniversary special of the doctor.

The music used in the background of the advert is the Tv show theme tune which would make sure that the audience knows what their listening to. The sound effects used within the voice over for the doctor sounds like echoes which suggest a references towards time travel which suggest a taster to newbies to increase there popularity and support the fiction style of him travel in time seeking adventure. Also within 31 seconds within the advert it sound of whispering and muttering in the background after he says "it is time" which emphasis mystery to his past and urges people to watch it on the very day it comes out. There's also use of multi-voice within 24 -26 seconds with the quote 'doctor it's time' This includes the doctor companion which is voiced presently by Jenna Coleman which suggest how they use her also to support the character role as the doctor and his companion which gives the advert a successful effect towards the fans view towards their advertisement as representing the doctor who special event. This also link into the target audience since the effectiveness of advert depend on the fans opinion to the positive ways the show is presented through the references and sneak peaks of the special day of the show.

The target audience of this advert would be the fans who are interested in the series and the age group would be all ages because the TV show would have started for a long period of time and would be considered as a family show. This show has been continuing from 1963 onward which suggest which it's been successful as a TV show for a very long period which suggest a lot of fans being produced for 51 years but also i's referred as a British culture which suggest most of the fans are mainly produced in Britain but spreading as a national tradition. This could effect the radio company success from two different way one by because they have this huge target audience build already for their advert it suggest that it could be easier for them to get good ratings. However, this could effect the success of the radio since doctor who has very dedicated fans which are very judgmental towards the advertisements and merchandise which is presenting their cherished TV show which would mean how the radio company would have to make sure they represent the series in a positive and right way by using references and use of the doctors behavior used within the advert to make it worth while to the audience to make it look like the fans can only listen to the doctor and maybe his companion only.

This advert uses pastiche from the use presenting the TV series of 'Doctor who' to  promote the show within its advertisement and uses a minor amount of fiction/story telling of how the doctor is going back in time and heading for his mysterious past self and find out what happened to him. This presented within 11 second into the advert the use of Matt Smith who plays as the main character in the series uses a dramatic and mysterious single voiced tone to present the main objective of the advert but also it represent how people use there voice to get to the point but also make them listen instead of skipping the main point from the quote ' I've been running all my life, over 900 years though time and space, and today I stop running' which suggest the end of the mystery of the biggest mystery within the series of how the doctor became a time lord.

The purpose of this advert is to promote the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who which is coming up at november resembling from seasonal ideals that its nearly the end of the year that it show that its the season finale representing that the audience don't have that much time left and should get ready for something mind blowing. The uses of using a teaser for the TV show suggests that the use of persuasive techniques of appealing to the audience desires of if they're a fan to reach for there fantasy ideals and feel bad for missing out on their fantasy through missing out on the 50th anniversary special. The level of distribution is nationally because it was a very big event globally but also this TV show is popular within most countries within the world so of course it would be advertised within a national scale.

Subways 'big hot pastrami'  this advert would be shown within in radio stations such as magic, capital, kiss FM an other radio advert to make it available to all age groups to give them a variety of target audiences to buy their product. The techniques used in this advert is narration by producing a theatre atmosphere through announcing the play being Jack and the bean sprout and uses story telling to one appeal to children and two advertise the product as a easy way to understand which gives the sense that this product is worth buying and its great to eat. The music in the background makes the advertisement feel carefree and dreamy to fit the story telling ideal, this also help make the audience calm and easy to persuade to buy the food product.

The sound effects such as within 6 seconds in you can here feet stomping to makes sure that the audience can feel like there in the scene of the advertisement by using sounds which are relevant to this specific scene. Also, within the background of the whole advertisement you can here piano playing a childish upbeat kind of music/jingle which help the advert maintain its interest within the whole advert and maybe even use a nostalgic technique towards viewers to refer to the fictional features of the advert. Finally, within 32 seconds of the radio advert it present a sound of a goose which emphasis the humour of the quote 'sure ill trade you for that goose over there' this show the humour since it reaches out on older generations childhood which support the nostalgic sense within the advert but also reaches out to the younger generation making sure they familiarise with the term within suggest passively within the advert that the product is for all the family and all age range by grasping their old childhood dream and life.

The uses of voice over within this advert is within 10 seconds he uses a Malo toned British accent which could refer to the sound is describing how the person talking is strong, aggressive and single voiced which could suggest they used humorous ideal within 10-15 seconds 'fe,fi,foe, fum I smell uh, I smell um something delicious' because they are using a strong characters voice to describe the deliciousness of there product. At 17 seconds they present a second voice over which is the person who's talking about the positive aspect of the food which promote the quality of the product within the advert. His accent is american and sounds like those negotiating voices to persuade the audience to buy the product by the voice over.

Personally, I feel that it was that the use of referencing to fantasy, childhood quote from 10 seconds to 15 seconds of the memorable quote ' fe, fi, foe, fom ' which allows the quote once its used in the advert to represent a memorable sensation of the sandwich product which be seen as the unique selling point within the phrase from the childhood story that it tastes better than any other sandwich you've tasted, but also appeals to elderly and younger generation because everyone has heard the reference from jack and the bean stalk so it appeal to everyone's childhood by the memory of the story. However, there's still more things to add to improve this advert such as they could of promoted the company the same time as promoting the sandwich for example input the name of the company and add a little detail to inform what the audience is dealing with, while within the background they can keep the jingle tune within the sidelines but lower the volume of it for the purpose of keeping viewers feel that the information is gradually becoming important through making the information more clear so the audience is more intrigued to listen to what there wanting to promote as a company.

The style of this advert uses fiction to promote this advert as a child story but also use informational detail on the new ingredient they put into the sandwich to make you as a audience feel bad for not buying the product but also luring you to get the product as soon as possible. This is shown within 34 seconds onward. This suggest they also use a mild seductive technique to lure them into trying out their unique product.

 The purpose of this advert is to promote subways new sandwich but also promote brand awareness and uses persuasion to make the audience feel that they deserve a treat to rest up for a bit by the quote 'climbing up that bean stock out there makes you hungry'. This adverts level of distribution would be fairly global because it's a popular company however, it wouldn't be shown places who can't afford their product such a third world countries. It would most likely be shown within places like Europe, parts of america and parts of Asia.

There are two regulatory bodies which radio adverts need to follow the standard they put so they add regulatory standards to broadcast advertising. One of the regulatory bodies are ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) which set up for self regulation non- broadcast advertisements they make sure consumers aren't misled, harmed or offended to maintain confidence, allow fair competitions amongst companies and maintain self regulatory system for cost efficiency. For co-regulatory of broadcast advertisement they place a simplified regulation between consumer and business decisions about ad campaigns across several media platforms to be made as a single organisation.

The other regulatory body is OFCOM which organises all the regulation for radio advertising and owns the company ASA. The regulations allow fair standards for both the consumers and the businesses.

The main codes which gives restriction within broadcasting are:
04 no harm and offence within the broadcast- no harm inflicted to anyone within the broadcast and no offensive language to offend anyone in the broadcast or the consumers
03 misleading advertisement-dont use any material which could mislead/confuse the consumer such as if they say nothing about refund an they don't supply any info about in the advert which says no refund mislead the consumer and give them no reassurance of the product.
05 no unsafe practise, pester power or sale promotions towards children- children or parent aren't forced to buy a product because of the use of pear pressure within the video.
06 privacy of a living person unless they approve of you revealing some of their private information.
15 faith and religion-don't be offensive towards people's religions an beliefs
30 no pornography which is R-18 rated material due to the consumer might be misled.
13 food and food supplements, health and nutritional claims are needed to provide reassurance to the consumers.
Appendix 3 law on misleading and unfair marketing.

A example on use of code within Doctor Who's 50th anniversary radio advert would be if they talked about how they compare peoples knowledge of a religion is false and all they believe in isn't approve by saying their god of that religion is non existent it would be going against code 15 of religion and faith. The outcome of this would be some people might be offended by this and would refuse the channel to go on any longer or make the people or person who were associated in using this to apologies within the media like a news article or new channel so everyone can hear the apology.

Another example is if within subways sandwich radio advert didn't add the nutrition and health detail within the advert it would be referred as going against code 13 which is a rule so that health and nutritional claims in the food products is provided within the advertisement. The outcome of this would be people might ant to loose weight or have allergies towards the use of ingredients they use so it could mislead the consumer and make them confused if they want to buy or do they wan to risk it and buy it, and if they have a problem health wise they could sew the company for poor use of notifying them about the health and nutrition details and risk their reputation as a popular food company.

structure for researching radio advertisements in more detail

Complete your research into two radio advertisements ,  using links on the blog and covering these areas.

Message : basic content of advertisement

Style :  see notes

Purpose of advert :  see notes : e.g selling a product or service directly raising brand awareness, informational, promoting sales and special offers, increasing market share, links to any other products or programmes, raising income for radio station, seasonal  awareness raising  

Voiceover : conversational or formal tone , single/multi voice dialogue, accent,

                         tag line ( slogan)

Use of music bed : background sound bed including  sound effect, music, sting
   ( short piece of music that is associated with the product) 

Persuasive techniques : e.g Unique selling point , use of celebrity endorsement, repeated use of product name, price  benefits for customer, any other benefits for consumer


The main purpose of any radio commercial is to raise 'Brand Awareness' and to promote and eventually increase sales of the product being advertised. They are informational and persuasive. In addition they also provide an income for the Radio station broadcasting the advertisement.
Radio commercials are produced to serve a purpose, what is that purpose?

To raise brand awareness?
Commercials can be about the brand, rather than the product, helping the brand solidify its position in the market or raising its profile.
Some brands continue to advertise, even though they are already an established brand, this sends out a message to its competitors but also keeps the brand in the public eye, or ear. often well known brands reinvent themselves through clever marketing.

Information about a new product, event, scheme, new opening hours, new menu etc..

"Why not treat yourself?" "Does your dog deserve the best?" "Go on you deserve it!"

Sales and Special Offers?
Needs no explanation...

Seasonal Awareness?
Christmas, Easter, Summer Holidays

Friday 12 September 2014

Research on radio adverts

Subways 'big hot pastrami' which is advertising a sandwich produced by subway this advert would be shown within in radio stations such as magic, capital, kiss FM an other radio advert to make it available to all age groups to give them a variety of target audiences o buy they product. It  starts off and carries on using narration by producing a theatre atmosphere through announcing the play being Jack and the bean sprout and uses story telling to one appeal to children and two advertise the product as a easy way to understand. The music in the background makes the advertisement feel carefree and dreamy to fit the story telling ideal, this also help make the audience calm and easy to persuade to buy the food product. The sound effects such as feet stomping makes sure that the audience can feel like there in the scene of the advertisement by using sounds which are relevant to this specific scene. I like this advert because it adds interest for younger age group so that it could appeal to most of the age groups. However, theres still more things to add to improve this advert such as they could of promoted the company the same time as promoting the sandwich for example input the name of the company and add a little detail to inform what the audience is dealing with.

Doctor Who: Day of the doctor radio advert

This is advertising the TV series season finale called Doctor Who, this advert is being presented by BBC Radio station. The length of the radio advert is 0:44 seconds long and uses voices over from the main character doctor played by the actor Matt Smith which is acting out within the radio to appeal to the fans in character but also give them curiosity and a teaser of what going to happen on the 50th anniversary special of the doctor. The music used in the background of the advert is the Tv show theme tune which would make sure that the audience knows what their listening to. the target audience of this advert would be the fans who are interested in the series and the age group would be all ages because the TV show would have started for a long period of time and would be considered as a family show. this advert is very effective because it adds little teasers so that it makes the audience want to watch it even more than they did before plus uses the memorable theme tune of the TV show to indicate that its coming soon and make sure the audience knows what they are listening to through sound. This advert uses pastiche so that it promotes the show within its advertisement and uses a minor amount of story telling of how the doctor is going back in time and heading for his mysterious past self and find out what happened to him. - straight talking money radio advert

This advert is promoting, the radio station which this be used on would be magic FM, radio 1 and capital FM, length of this of this advert is 0:41 seconds long. This product uses music to present what the company/website is for and hat are thy showing to the audience within this advert, but also it make it seem more interesting than just having given the details of their straight talking money policy by just someone talking about it for 41 seconds. The targeted audience would be people who might be having money difficulties or maybe dying to avoid having money difficulties. this is effective because they use music which is easy to memorise so that they have the tune in their head to make it most likely for the audience to accept their offer.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Evaluation on music videos

The music video is for fall out boy 'centuries' which consist of mostly long shots and mild amounts of mid camera shots. What I like about this music video is that it uses long shots to create the meaning of the history of the buildings and the city being shown which would support the name of the song by use of history and how they will always be remembered.

However, what I dislike is that sometime the effects used sometime get repetitively used in one scene which could easily irritate viewers eyes and maybe for people who have very sensitive eyes.

Evaluation for my video

The video that me and Mohamed used to inspire our video was one republic 'secrets' which was sourced from youtube. The camera angles we tried to use were a variety of close, medium and long shots with some efforts to create a focused and blurred out shot which was very challenging.

I feel that our most successful video was where it was a long shot while I was walking with my side towards the camera. I feel that this was successful because it was simple and clear to produce.

However, what we would like to develop would be the blurring and focusing shot because it was pretty difficult to zoom in and walk back while keeping the camera still and focused.

overall, most shots were clear which were the basic shots we did like close up, medium shot and long shot this was because they are more focused and easily produced, considering team work while producing the video me and Mohamed worked well based in accepting our role on both behind and in front of camera role and helped each other out on what we thought was difficult and sorted things out as a team.

For this shot we tried to zoom in from a medium ranged shot into a close up by zooming in while moving backwards which was from a ideal prospective was successful because we managed to make the object 'the bin' blurry in the end. However, what bit of the shot I would improve would be the camera being more clear and still to make sure we do it properly and actually see the effect of the blur more within the shot.

Within this shot it's where we tried to go from a close up and finish as a medium shot so that the object 'the bin' is focused but the background is blurred by zooming out while moving forward. Similar, to the other blur attempt ideally it was successful but I would improve it keeping the camera still so we could clearly see the blur more closely in a longer period.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

summary of Q&A

The overall summary of this is that i created 10 questions which the people ill be asking to answer, then I went to a separate room to record the interview without any excess/interrupting sounds in the background. I will now be starting to editing out any errors in the interview such as large gaps and try to blend the sounds so that it doesn't sound like any gaps in the interview and make sound smooth and fluent.

Monday 8 September 2014

Research on 3 radio adverts

Alton tower radio advert 2007

What I like about this advert is that it uses roller coaster track sounds in the background with screaming people to make the audience feel that they are missing out and that they feel that they are already there by the sounds producing a bit of the atmosphere you would experience if you were actually there. They also included voice overs which give another piece of the experience through there descriptions of the rides within the theme park.

What I disliked was that they didn't use any background music/jingles to appeal to the enjoyment and thrill which would give them the extra experience of what the audience would feel when they go there of the sensation and the thrill.

The intended target for this advert would be within the age groups of 12+ because they used for narration an up lifting tone of voice which would appeal to the excitement of the age group. They also use sounds of tracks from a roller coaster to interest the inner thrill within the younger generation.

Dogs Trust

What I like about this advert I that from this advert is that they use music/jingle in the background to make the audience feel uplifted but also calm before they listen to the whole advert and use narration to provide the information needed for the audience to help support there company and product. Finally,they use personal situations which would give the audience a reason on how it benefits them and persuade them even more to support the company.

However they could of included sounds at the start or end of the advert like dog barking to make it more appealing and beneficial to the audience to urge them to support the topic and company.

The intended audience would be ages 18+ since they would have money to support the dog but also the company if wanting too. but also because they don't try to influence you by trying to sound like a thriller which would attract younger ages  and they provided description of what is happening in there company and what is there objective.

Mr T Snickers radio advert

What I like about this advert is the use of acting out a real situation of a help service to show to the audience that their product can be used as a snack at work or a treat at home or on the go.But also the use of tone from Mr T which sounds aggressive but funny which makes you feel as a audience definitely buy there produce like they are demanding you to.

On the other hand, what they should've done is stop the excess noise in the background when Mr T start to talk about the product so that there is no irritating noise within the scene so the audience don't misjudge the product and interfere with the main objective of the advertisement.

This advert is intended for the all ages since it shows humor from the voice of Mr T but also use of imperatives so they demand them to buy the product. But also influences older generation because of the use of acting out a real work situation.

what do i expect of a radio advert

I expect in a radio advert to have a relevant soundtrack within the background to make the advert more appealing and not dull for the audience to persuade them by manipulating their emotions by the upbeat or the low beat sounds to get the advertised products.

I would also expect a lot of narration since they won't be visually looking at there product but they are describing the benefits and appeal of there product such as using.

radio advertisement could include voice overs which talks over sound within the background so that the audience would imagine the surroundings through the sound then the person talking over it so that they show what the product could be for or make the person feel more calmed by the sound so that it makes it likely that the target audience would want to get the product being advertised.

They could also include tone of voice so that if you want the audience to feel interested and excited about your product they would use a high up beat tone of voice and if you want your audience to feel tragic and depressed of a topic like endangered animals and child abuse you would make a down beat slow tone of voice to manipulate the audiences feelings and make them want get or help the based topic/product being advertised

My first blog

This is my first blog and I don't know what else to write