Monday 8 September 2014

what do i expect of a radio advert

I expect in a radio advert to have a relevant soundtrack within the background to make the advert more appealing and not dull for the audience to persuade them by manipulating their emotions by the upbeat or the low beat sounds to get the advertised products.

I would also expect a lot of narration since they won't be visually looking at there product but they are describing the benefits and appeal of there product such as using.

radio advertisement could include voice overs which talks over sound within the background so that the audience would imagine the surroundings through the sound then the person talking over it so that they show what the product could be for or make the person feel more calmed by the sound so that it makes it likely that the target audience would want to get the product being advertised.

They could also include tone of voice so that if you want the audience to feel interested and excited about your product they would use a high up beat tone of voice and if you want your audience to feel tragic and depressed of a topic like endangered animals and child abuse you would make a down beat slow tone of voice to manipulate the audiences feelings and make them want get or help the based topic/product being advertised

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