Thursday 11 September 2014

Evaluation for my video

The video that me and Mohamed used to inspire our video was one republic 'secrets' which was sourced from youtube. The camera angles we tried to use were a variety of close, medium and long shots with some efforts to create a focused and blurred out shot which was very challenging.

I feel that our most successful video was where it was a long shot while I was walking with my side towards the camera. I feel that this was successful because it was simple and clear to produce.

However, what we would like to develop would be the blurring and focusing shot because it was pretty difficult to zoom in and walk back while keeping the camera still and focused.

overall, most shots were clear which were the basic shots we did like close up, medium shot and long shot this was because they are more focused and easily produced, considering team work while producing the video me and Mohamed worked well based in accepting our role on both behind and in front of camera role and helped each other out on what we thought was difficult and sorted things out as a team.

For this shot we tried to zoom in from a medium ranged shot into a close up by zooming in while moving backwards which was from a ideal prospective was successful because we managed to make the object 'the bin' blurry in the end. However, what bit of the shot I would improve would be the camera being more clear and still to make sure we do it properly and actually see the effect of the blur more within the shot.

Within this shot it's where we tried to go from a close up and finish as a medium shot so that the object 'the bin' is focused but the background is blurred by zooming out while moving forward. Similar, to the other blur attempt ideally it was successful but I would improve it keeping the camera still so we could clearly see the blur more closely in a longer period.

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