Tuesday 16 September 2014

Radio advert research (official)

Doctor Who: Day of the doctor radio advert

This is advertising the TV series season finale called Doctor Who, this advert is being presented by BBC Radio station. The  radio advert uses voices over from the main character doctor played by the actor Matt Smith which is acting out within the radio to appeal to the fans in character but also portray the message of giving the audience curiosity to the show and a reveal a little teaser of what going to happen on the 50th anniversary special of the doctor.

The music used in the background of the advert is the Tv show theme tune which would make sure that the audience knows what their listening to. The sound effects used within the voice over for the doctor sounds like echoes which suggest a references towards time travel which suggest a taster to newbies to increase there popularity and support the fiction style of him travel in time seeking adventure. Also within 31 seconds within the advert it sound of whispering and muttering in the background after he says "it is time" which emphasis mystery to his past and urges people to watch it on the very day it comes out. There's also use of multi-voice within 24 -26 seconds with the quote 'doctor it's time' This includes the doctor companion which is voiced presently by Jenna Coleman which suggest how they use her also to support the character role as the doctor and his companion which gives the advert a successful effect towards the fans view towards their advertisement as representing the doctor who special event. This also link into the target audience since the effectiveness of advert depend on the fans opinion to the positive ways the show is presented through the references and sneak peaks of the special day of the show.

The target audience of this advert would be the fans who are interested in the series and the age group would be all ages because the TV show would have started for a long period of time and would be considered as a family show. This show has been continuing from 1963 onward which suggest which it's been successful as a TV show for a very long period which suggest a lot of fans being produced for 51 years but also i's referred as a British culture which suggest most of the fans are mainly produced in Britain but spreading as a national tradition. This could effect the radio company success from two different way one by because they have this huge target audience build already for their advert it suggest that it could be easier for them to get good ratings. However, this could effect the success of the radio since doctor who has very dedicated fans which are very judgmental towards the advertisements and merchandise which is presenting their cherished TV show which would mean how the radio company would have to make sure they represent the series in a positive and right way by using references and use of the doctors behavior used within the advert to make it worth while to the audience to make it look like the fans can only listen to the doctor and maybe his companion only.

This advert uses pastiche from the use presenting the TV series of 'Doctor who' to  promote the show within its advertisement and uses a minor amount of fiction/story telling of how the doctor is going back in time and heading for his mysterious past self and find out what happened to him. This presented within 11 second into the advert the use of Matt Smith who plays as the main character in the series uses a dramatic and mysterious single voiced tone to present the main objective of the advert but also it represent how people use there voice to get to the point but also make them listen instead of skipping the main point from the quote ' I've been running all my life, over 900 years though time and space, and today I stop running' which suggest the end of the mystery of the biggest mystery within the series of how the doctor became a time lord.

The purpose of this advert is to promote the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who which is coming up at november resembling from seasonal ideals that its nearly the end of the year that it show that its the season finale representing that the audience don't have that much time left and should get ready for something mind blowing. The uses of using a teaser for the TV show suggests that the use of persuasive techniques of appealing to the audience desires of if they're a fan to reach for there fantasy ideals and feel bad for missing out on their fantasy through missing out on the 50th anniversary special. The level of distribution is nationally because it was a very big event globally but also this TV show is popular within most countries within the world so of course it would be advertised within a national scale.

Subways 'big hot pastrami'  this advert would be shown within in radio stations such as magic, capital, kiss FM an other radio advert to make it available to all age groups to give them a variety of target audiences to buy their product. The techniques used in this advert is narration by producing a theatre atmosphere through announcing the play being Jack and the bean sprout and uses story telling to one appeal to children and two advertise the product as a easy way to understand which gives the sense that this product is worth buying and its great to eat. The music in the background makes the advertisement feel carefree and dreamy to fit the story telling ideal, this also help make the audience calm and easy to persuade to buy the food product.

The sound effects such as within 6 seconds in you can here feet stomping to makes sure that the audience can feel like there in the scene of the advertisement by using sounds which are relevant to this specific scene. Also, within the background of the whole advertisement you can here piano playing a childish upbeat kind of music/jingle which help the advert maintain its interest within the whole advert and maybe even use a nostalgic technique towards viewers to refer to the fictional features of the advert. Finally, within 32 seconds of the radio advert it present a sound of a goose which emphasis the humour of the quote 'sure ill trade you for that goose over there' this show the humour since it reaches out on older generations childhood which support the nostalgic sense within the advert but also reaches out to the younger generation making sure they familiarise with the term within suggest passively within the advert that the product is for all the family and all age range by grasping their old childhood dream and life.

The uses of voice over within this advert is within 10 seconds he uses a Malo toned British accent which could refer to the sound is describing how the person talking is strong, aggressive and single voiced which could suggest they used humorous ideal within 10-15 seconds 'fe,fi,foe, fum I smell uh, I smell um something delicious' because they are using a strong characters voice to describe the deliciousness of there product. At 17 seconds they present a second voice over which is the person who's talking about the positive aspect of the food which promote the quality of the product within the advert. His accent is american and sounds like those negotiating voices to persuade the audience to buy the product by the voice over.

Personally, I feel that it was that the use of referencing to fantasy, childhood quote from 10 seconds to 15 seconds of the memorable quote ' fe, fi, foe, fom ' which allows the quote once its used in the advert to represent a memorable sensation of the sandwich product which be seen as the unique selling point within the phrase from the childhood story that it tastes better than any other sandwich you've tasted, but also appeals to elderly and younger generation because everyone has heard the reference from jack and the bean stalk so it appeal to everyone's childhood by the memory of the story. However, there's still more things to add to improve this advert such as they could of promoted the company the same time as promoting the sandwich for example input the name of the company and add a little detail to inform what the audience is dealing with, while within the background they can keep the jingle tune within the sidelines but lower the volume of it for the purpose of keeping viewers feel that the information is gradually becoming important through making the information more clear so the audience is more intrigued to listen to what there wanting to promote as a company.

The style of this advert uses fiction to promote this advert as a child story but also use informational detail on the new ingredient they put into the sandwich to make you as a audience feel bad for not buying the product but also luring you to get the product as soon as possible. This is shown within 34 seconds onward. This suggest they also use a mild seductive technique to lure them into trying out their unique product.

 The purpose of this advert is to promote subways new sandwich but also promote brand awareness and uses persuasion to make the audience feel that they deserve a treat to rest up for a bit by the quote 'climbing up that bean stock out there makes you hungry'. This adverts level of distribution would be fairly global because it's a popular company however, it wouldn't be shown places who can't afford their product such a third world countries. It would most likely be shown within places like Europe, parts of america and parts of Asia.

There are two regulatory bodies which radio adverts need to follow the standard they put so they add regulatory standards to broadcast advertising. One of the regulatory bodies are ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) which set up for self regulation non- broadcast advertisements they make sure consumers aren't misled, harmed or offended to maintain confidence, allow fair competitions amongst companies and maintain self regulatory system for cost efficiency. For co-regulatory of broadcast advertisement they place a simplified regulation between consumer and business decisions about ad campaigns across several media platforms to be made as a single organisation.

The other regulatory body is OFCOM which organises all the regulation for radio advertising and owns the company ASA. The regulations allow fair standards for both the consumers and the businesses.

The main codes which gives restriction within broadcasting are:
04 no harm and offence within the broadcast- no harm inflicted to anyone within the broadcast and no offensive language to offend anyone in the broadcast or the consumers
03 misleading advertisement-dont use any material which could mislead/confuse the consumer such as if they say nothing about refund an they don't supply any info about in the advert which says no refund mislead the consumer and give them no reassurance of the product.
05 no unsafe practise, pester power or sale promotions towards children- children or parent aren't forced to buy a product because of the use of pear pressure within the video.
06 privacy of a living person unless they approve of you revealing some of their private information.
15 faith and religion-don't be offensive towards people's religions an beliefs
30 no pornography which is R-18 rated material due to the consumer might be misled.
13 food and food supplements, health and nutritional claims are needed to provide reassurance to the consumers.
Appendix 3 law on misleading and unfair marketing.

A example on use of code within Doctor Who's 50th anniversary radio advert would be if they talked about how they compare peoples knowledge of a religion is false and all they believe in isn't approve by saying their god of that religion is non existent it would be going against code 15 of religion and faith. The outcome of this would be some people might be offended by this and would refuse the channel to go on any longer or make the people or person who were associated in using this to apologies within the media like a news article or new channel so everyone can hear the apology.

Another example is if within subways sandwich radio advert didn't add the nutrition and health detail within the advert it would be referred as going against code 13 which is a rule so that health and nutritional claims in the food products is provided within the advertisement. The outcome of this would be people might ant to loose weight or have allergies towards the use of ingredients they use so it could mislead the consumer and make them confused if they want to buy or do they wan to risk it and buy it, and if they have a problem health wise they could sew the company for poor use of notifying them about the health and nutrition details and risk their reputation as a popular food company.

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