Thursday 25 September 2014

Evaluation on shot types

This shot type I tried to use is mid shot which turns into a full body shot by side ways shot of me jumping off some stairs to reference the song quote 'when you take that jump, you don't feel the fall'. This was successful because it's clear and symbolic which makes it easier for the viewers to get what it the scene mean and feel the inspirational position of jumping without any second thought which gives off that sense within the music and the video.

This shot type is the establishing shot but also with the pan effect so that it views all the building while moving away to represent the quote 'water rises you built a wall' which i tried to show once it was raining which represented the water rising and the building showing the evolution of producing a wall. I did this because I wanted to make the audience think even harder about what a simple looking shot would represent within each quote. I feel that this shot was successful because it didn't have that much false movement which wasn't needed in the shot but to improve this I would use a tripod to stable the camera to have a smoother shot while it pan to the right.

This shot I used a zoom out from a medium shot to a establishing shot/ long shot to symbolise the quote 'hope that everybody run, you chose to stay'. This was successful because it allowed me from using zooming away from the person which represent everyone running away from him which produces a inspirational standing your ground feel.

 This shot is called the cut away shot which gives of the more symbolic scene within all my shot I've taken because it gives a calm and wide eyed view of the sky and the atmosphere of the moment which I intended to portray that within the intended scene of the music video.

The sound track I would use to create the mood through sound not just visuals would be the song by one republic 'I lived' because it gives a inspirational feel to the scene to give the shots meaning and give the audience a feel of what they are missing and to live life to the fullest which is the conception of the song. The lyrics of the song ties in perfectly to each scene/ shot we produced. The pace of the song is a walking but gradually increases into the song this is shown in the video from 40 seconds in from the beginning. The genre of the song is pop rock and alternative rock.

The process I used was firstly we planned it out by setting it up by writing the specific shot of each clip we need for a particular lyric in the song, Then we went out with a camera and started doing the practical shooting of the scenes. I then used reaper to cut and adjust a song to make sure that only the relevant scenes of the song is presented with it's suitable scenes. Also I used i movie as a software to produce the video which would allow me to import the reaper.wav file of the adjusted song and combine it with the shots which i arranged and trimmed to be fixed with the timing of the beat of each lyric of the song.

Then after all the relevant shots were added and arranged i added transition to give the shots extra effect but also allow a fluent change to each shot. For example within 12 seconds in it changes from the side full shot to a long establishing shot. What I also started to do within 56 seconds I started to make some scene have 50% slow motion effect to make it longer but also make it seem like it's a important event and make it look inspiring and symbolise something within the viewers lives.

What I like about the music video is how I used shot which some are literal but some are also symbolic such as the quote in 7 seconds 'when you jump you don't feel the fall' which I used 2 people jumping off stairs within a medium, full shot which represent the literal shots I took but on the quote 13 seconds ' hoping the when the water rises you build a wall' I used a long shot of the building to symbolises how we have evolved from building a wall to producing architectural buildings and designs which represent the symbolic shot I made.

 However, I feel that some pieces could be improved by looking closely at extending the shot time to make sure relevant shot aren't delayed or shown before the specific scene is shown such as 28 seconds in it has the start of the running medium to long full shot but it still should be the previous shot since the songs lyric isn't reel cant to the shot so I should've extended the previous shot to fit the timing of the song. Also I would like to take out the background sounds within the shot because you could hear some excess sound within the video which isn't needed, next time I would make sure I cut out the background sound by cutting out the sound through reaper or cut it from iMovie .The example of the background sound is within 22 seconds to 24 seconds.

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