Tuesday 16 September 2014

structure for researching radio advertisements in more detail

Complete your research into two radio advertisements ,  using links on the blog and covering these areas.

Message : basic content of advertisement

Style :  see notes

Purpose of advert :  see notes : e.g selling a product or service directly raising brand awareness, informational, promoting sales and special offers, increasing market share, links to any other products or programmes, raising income for radio station, seasonal  awareness raising  

Voiceover : conversational or formal tone , single/multi voice dialogue, accent,

                         tag line ( slogan)

Use of music bed : background sound bed including  sound effect, music, sting
   ( short piece of music that is associated with the product) 

Persuasive techniques : e.g Unique selling point , use of celebrity endorsement, repeated use of product name, price  benefits for customer, any other benefits for consumer


The main purpose of any radio commercial is to raise 'Brand Awareness' and to promote and eventually increase sales of the product being advertised. They are informational and persuasive. In addition they also provide an income for the Radio station broadcasting the advertisement.
Radio commercials are produced to serve a purpose, what is that purpose?

To raise brand awareness?
Commercials can be about the brand, rather than the product, helping the brand solidify its position in the market or raising its profile.
Some brands continue to advertise, even though they are already an established brand, this sends out a message to its competitors but also keeps the brand in the public eye, or ear. often well known brands reinvent themselves through clever marketing.

Information about a new product, event, scheme, new opening hours, new menu etc..

"Why not treat yourself?" "Does your dog deserve the best?" "Go on you deserve it!"

Sales and Special Offers?
Needs no explanation...

Seasonal Awareness?
Christmas, Easter, Summer Holidays

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